What is Charity Really?

First Impressions of Charity

What comes to mind when you think of ‘Charity’?  I think for a lot of us it is things like people in the street collecting money to feed starving orphans in a far of land, or maybe someone calling you on the phone asking you to donate money to help re-home abandoned animals.  Closer to home you may think of things like raising money for your local sports club to help fund building of new facilities, or equipment for youth teams.  Closer still you might think of acts of service like cooking a meal for sick neighbour.

A lot of wonderful things are done in the name of ‘Charity’, but I know for many of us ‘Charity’ brings up feelings that are not entirely positive.  Negative connotations have somehow also become attached to this inherently good thing.

Why is ‘Charity’ Sometimes a Dirty Word?

I think there are a number of reasons why Charity sometimes gets a bad reputation in our modern society.  They come from what I think is a fundamental misunderstanding of what charity really is.  I would like to look at some of these distortions before discussing a deeper understanding of the meaning of Charity.

Big Business

One of the things that sometimes sours peoples attitude to Charity is the practices of organizations and people that acquire funding on their behalf.  They can be very persistent and irritating to the point where people feel they are giving not so much out of the goodness of their hearts but because they have been hounded and they just want to get rid of the person.

Then there is the case of the new breed of collectors who will approach people to donate, but then will not accept their offered cash donation because what they are after is a contract for a donation by monthly direct debit.  These are usually PROFESSIONAL collectors and they and the organization they work for are paid on commision and these commissions can be high – up to 100% of your entire first years worth of donations.  That money you thought was going to your preferred cause may actually be going directly into the pocket of the collector and helping to fund even more pesky collectors.  (See this article in the New Zealand Herald about Charity fundraising)

If some of your donated money does manage to get through to your supported organization, then more of that money is used for ongoing marketing and to pay administrative and staffing costs – which can be high, before finally some of it may get to the purpose you wanted to contribute too.

The reality is that Charity has become big business, and like other big businesses they will try to squeeze every dollar they can out of their audience – even if it sometimes means annoying and hounding them.  And also like any business, many people enter the sector with an eye to how much they can get for themselves personally while working there rather than what they can contribute.

This doesn’t mean that all large charitable organizations and their employees operate like this.  I am sure that there are many who do great work in a highly ethical way, but the fact that some do can leave people feeling taken advantage of and suspicious about giving to any cause.  There are ways around this which we will get to later on in this post.

Dependency And Weakness

Another aspect of the common conception of Charity that sometimes gives it a bad name is the idea that Charity is a hand out.  Something for nothing.  A lot of people instinctively dislike this idea, and I think for good reason.  Sadly when people regularly get something for nothing they often become dependent on these hand outs and rather than helping these people to lead better lives it can make them weak and unable to take care of themselves.

This causes people to not want to give to charities because they don’t want to be contributing to a handout mentality which creates dependency and weakness in the recipients.  It also makes people not want to receive from charity as this would indicate weakness on their part.  Almost no-one wants to be considered a ‘charity case’ as the implication of weakness damages peoples sense of self esteem and sense of worth.

What is Charity Really?

So we can see a few issues with Charity as it is often thought of and practiced in our society today.  There is bad mixed with good, and this can cause people to have understandably mixed feelings and attitudes towards it.  Do we have to accept the bad with the good though? Or can we find another understanding of Charity which is only good, that there is no need to have mixed feelings about, something that we would like to do all the time without hesitation because there is no downside?

Pure Love

Out of interest I looked up a dictionary definition of Charity for reference.  Here is the definition I found at www.thefreedictionary.com


char·i·ty  (chr-t)

n. pl. char·i·ties

1. Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.
2. Something given to help the needy; alms.
3. An institution, organization, or fund established to help the needy.
4. Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.
5. Indulgence or forbearance in judging others. See Synonyms at mercy.
6. often Charity Christianity The theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God but also toward oneself and one’s neighbors as objects of God’s love.

[Middle English charite, from Old French, Christian love, from Latin critsaffection, from crusdear; see k- in Indo-European roots.]


Looking at this definition we can see that the first three items refer pretty much to what we have been discussing in this post so far, but as we go further down the list I think we start to get closer to a true understanding of what Charity really is.

Charity at its essence is PURE LOVE, the giving and institutions referred to in the first three items of the definition and the earlier part of this blog post are simply imperfect human expressions of this love.  By digging deeper to find the true meaning of Charity we can find better ways of expressing it.

We All Need Charity

As we come closer to understanding the deeper meaning of Charity, it quickly becomes apparent that Charity actually affects all areas of our lives and there is no shame whatsoever in receiving it.  All of us can benefit from benevolence and generosity (item four in the definition) and forbearance in judgement (item five) from time to time.  At our core, all of us need to love and be loved.

Charity is not just something for the poor but an inner attitude that is expressed in all of our interactions with the people and the world around us.

Integrating Charity Into Our Lives

So how do we best express this PURE LOVE in our interactions with others?  Well, people are going to have different ways of doing this and the giving and institutions mentioned earlier can sometimes be a good way.  But there are lots of other ways to do this as well that I think can often hit their mark a bit more accurately.  I found this interesting post on Freakonomics that shares one guys ideas of how to effectively express charity in your local community (read it here).  Basically there are many opportunities around us in our local communities where we can express charity effectively.

Give Freely Receive Freely and Charity

For myself, I think it is a shame to reserve our expressions of Charity to special instances of giving.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could incorporate this pure love into every interaction we engage in, including our day to day business?

I think ‘Give Freely Receive Freely’ has potential to do this quite well.  It allows us to provide what we do directly to those people who want or need it.  When we do this we are making no judgement as to whether someone is rich or poor or a ‘charity case’, because we expect them to give in return what they can or are willing to for what we have provided.  We respect their contribution whether great or small, and in so doing encourage them to respect themselves and to continue to make the effort to contribute what they can in return for what they receive and in so doing contribute to the greater good of society.

This giving is very efficient as we can provide what we do best (you do work at what you do best don’t you?) to those most in need (rich or poor) without having to deal with any additional costly marketing and administrative structures to facilitate the giving.  It is just part of our day to day activity and business.

As we give in this way it also makes us very aware of our own need to receive, because if we do not we receive we are unable to take care of our own needs let alone continue to give to others.  It breaks down our barriers to receiving graciously.  In short it encourages us to be more liberal in both our giving and receiving of love.

My experiment with GFRF has been interesting so far.  I can’t say it has been a resounding success, but it hasn’t been a failure yet either.  It has helped me to see the potential of interacting in this way and it has helped me to learn more about myself and how I view others and the world.  My experience so far encourages me to keep trying.  I am just new at this and to be perfectly honest I am probably not very good at giving freely yet, I am also probably not very good at receiving freely either.  The receiving really is a challenge, I find that it takes a lot of trust to give not knowing what you will receive in return. It also takes a lot of humility to receive what is given.

I think that little by little GFRF is helping me to change for the better.  It encourages me to give more, receive more, love more and trust more.  As I keep experimenting I expect that I will learn a lot more both about myself and about how to give and receive freely and effectively.

I hope that you will continue to follow along on this journey.





Service Space

I came across this website this morning and thought I would share it: http://www.servicespace.org/about/ 

I have only had time to have a little look around the site so far, so I can’t say I fully understand every aspect of what they are doing, but on the surface there seems to be a number of similarities to Give Freely Receive Freely, and a number of differences too.

Similarities are that things are given freely, and there is an emphasis on personal change through this process.  Differences are that these seem to be collectively organised projects with an emphasis on just the giving side of the equation without attention to the receiving side.  This is reflected in their previous name ‘CharityFocus’.  the projects seem to be run by ‘volunteers’  ie, their involvement in the projects is a special act of service – not how they earn their living.

I think my interest is more in finding out if we can integrate these principles of giving and receiving so fully into our lives that this is how we earn our living, these acts not being something special that we do with part of our time, but the way we live our entire lives.

Differences aside, it is interesting to see other people working with these types of ideas and finding their own way to live in a more compassionate way.  I guess the differences also spark a desire in me to write some more of the blog posts I have been thinking about but haven’t quite got to writing yet to more fully explain aspects of Give Freely Receive Freely.  These include topics such as what is charity really, and how do we integrate it into our lives, and the importance of balancing the give and receive sides of the equation.

Servicespace also have an ‘inspiration’ page with stories of kindness and good news.  This is similar to another idea that I had awhile ago of having a website dedicated entirely to good news, so its nice to see they have started something along those lines.

More Health Services

Another group of practitioners have come to my attention doing something similar to ‘Give Freely Receive Freely’.  They are in Taranaki and offer their services to people under 18 for what the client can afford.

There was a news item about them here: http://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/midweek/7850077/Natural-health-for-youth  and you can find their website here: http://www.villagehealth.co.nz/

Who likes my ramblings?

Well it turns out from some of my offline conversations that some people actually quite like reading my ramblings on this blog.  Its really hard to tell without some feedback.  So anyway, I think I might start writing posts about some of my bigger picture ideas with GFRF again – they might make interesting reading even if they are a long way from being acted on.

It really helps if you put comments on my blog posts.  It lets me know that there are people reading, thinking about, and maybe even enjoying what I write.

Links to mainstream media articles

Over the last couple of weeks I have been finding myself bookmarking quite a few webpages for news articles etc because I have thought they would be interesting to refer back to when I am writing a blog post on a particular topic.  But realistically I realize I will probably never get round to using them if I store them up and wait till later.

So I am going to start writing more short posts with commentary on some of the articles I find.  I don’t want the posts on my GFRF updates and announcements to get lost in all of this though, so remember you can always look in the categories on the right of the screen if this is the only bit you are really interested in.

Communication Is Key

I think that communication is the key to being successful using the GFRF concept.  I think there are many people who to some extent already think this way, but because we are all so used to the prevailing system of economic exchange, the idea comes across as strange and maybe even hard to understand.  This can put them off wanting to exchange on this basis if they don’t feel like they understand it.

Providing clear concise information can help people to understand and be comfortable interacting with the GFRF concept.  That is part of what this website is about of course, and I plan to keep expanding, updating and refining the information on this site to make it easier for people to understand GFRF.  But this website will not be everyone’s first contact with GFRF.  I know in my clinic, I have sometimes referred people to this website or to my first blog post about this idea here, but other times that hasn’t been convenient and it would have been nice to have something short to hand them on the spot for them to read about the concept.

So I have written up a very brief description of the concept that fits on an A5 piece of paper so I can have this ready for such occasions.  Also with the upcoming workshops that I am offering on a GFRF basis, there will be people who find out about the workshops who will not know about the GFRF concept as I will not be in contact with them so there will not be an opportunity to have a conversation about it and explain it, so I am going to print the A5 information on the back of the flyers for my workshops as well.

I have attached a PDF of the flyer below.  Feel free to use this if you are using GFRF and this is useful to you.  I expect I will review this document from time to time as I learn how to better communicate the GFRF concept to people.

Give Freely Receive Freely Flyer