Here is the directory of goods and services offered on a ‘give freely receive freely’ basis. If you or someone you know is operating using these principles, please get in touch with me so that I can list them here.
Martial Arts and Healing
David Somers offers Martial Arts training and healing services in Brooksville, Florida. Specifically David teaches Seishinkan Budo, which is based primarily on Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Do, and Morinaga Ha Toyama Ryu Iaido, but, also contains elements from Wing Chun Gung Fu, Western Boxing, Kyokushin Jissen Kumite, and various forms of Goshinjutsu. David offers healing methods based on Reiki, visualization techniques, and breathing exercises. You can contact David at:
Reiki, Tai Chi and Meditation
Helene Fleming offers one on one sessions with Reiki, Tai Chi, and Meditation in Inverness, Scotland. You can find more information on her blog/website here:
Michelle at Soulsong Avalon in Adelaide offers Reiki on a ‘Pay What It’s Worth To You’ basis. She also offers distance healing sessions. This is her website
Qigong Classes and Workshops:
Qigong is the ancient Chinese art of energy cultivation, it is excellent for stress reduction, building health and resilience, and developing peak performance. John Munro offers qigong and breathing classes and workshops on a ‘give freely receive freely’ basis. You can learn more about qigong and contact him through
Natural Health Treatment and Coaching:
John Munro offers clinic appointments on a ‘give freely receive freely’ basis. Services include: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong Therapy, Massage, Back care, Herbal and Nutritional advice, Lifestyle advice. You can contact him regarding appointments through
In Touch Hands is based in Northcote, Auckland and offers massage on a ‘give freely receive freely basis’. Contact Chante on 0210 268 3740.
Horse & Humanship
North River Horse & Humanship Centre offer Humanship Horsemanship workshops on a Give Freely Receive Freely basis. Check out their website here
Christina’s Clothing Exchange:
In the Takapuna/Devonport area this operates on principles similar to the ‘givefreelyreceivefreely’ concept. It helps people to get together and exchange (or donate) things they need without cost. It is also run by my sister You can check it out at:
Natural Health Clinic – Taranaki
Village Health in Taranaki offer their services to children under 18 on a donation basis. They have available naturopathy, counselling, Emotional Freedom Technique, EMF Balancing and cranio sacral therapy. You can contact them through their website at